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Fear, Failure, Focus: Ninja Warrior Mindset from Keynote Speaker Ty Bennett

Written by Ty Bennett | Aug 12, 2020 6:15:59 PM

Read an excerpt from Ty's newest keynote topic Fear, Failure, Focus: The Ninja Warrior Mindset:

Let's think about fear for just a minute. I think fundamentally, there are three main things that we fear. First we fear loss. We fear giving up something. We fear change. This is why we resist change so much and why we’re worried about what we're going to lose. Our mind plays this game that's a “what if” and if your mind starts to play, it automatically puts a negative thought in there. Our job is to switch that “what if” to a positive and so you have to focus on what you are going to gain and not what you are going to lose.

The second thing that we fear is the process, we fear the unknown and we resist something that's new because it's hard. We don't feel competent and or confident in that new idea, new system, new skill that we have to develop. But psychology teaches us that there's a cycle. It's called the competence confidence loop. What happens is, as you start something new, when you start to build competence, that automatically increases your confidence, which automatically increases your competence. And it just keeps going on and on. 

The third thing that we fear is the result. We worry that it's not going to work out or that we are going to fail. Or maybe we're going to go down this road and it's not going to be what we hoped for. 

So here's a couple ideas on how you can manage your fear:

  • First idea is to write it down. If you write it down, if you vocalize it, if you give voice to what it is that you fear, there's something cathartic about that process. 
  • Number two is to approach fear with curiosity. Ask questions, try and dissect it, try and understand it. Because when you can understand the fear where it's coming from and what it's telling you, then you can logically deal with it without the emotion. 
  • Number three, sometimes you just have to act. Sometimes you just have to have a couple of seconds of insane courage to move forward. What I found is that every successful entrepreneur, every successful Ninja, they value courage.

Keep watching for a full keynote description coming soon!