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The Miraculous Power of Consistency by Mike Rayburn

Written by Mike Rayburn | Jul 19, 2021 5:54:17 PM

"What Is It You Could Begin to Do Consistently That Would Take You to the Next Level and Beyond?"

Wind and water moving consistently over the earth have done far more to shape this planet than all the blasting and earth-moving equipment we’ve ever invented.

Investing even a small amount of money every month consistently has built far more wealth and created far more millionaires than all the Vegas and lottery winnings ever.

The fact is, consistency is the most powerful human force on this planet.
And this is not a new concept. Aristotle famously stated, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

A habit. A repeated action. Consistency.

Unfortunately, this also works in reverse.

Smoking consistently for years will ruin your lungs. Laziness, repeated daily for years will truncate your prospects in life.

If you’re reading this, you are successful. What is it that you have done consistently over the years to create your success?

And what is it you could begin to do consistently that would take you to the next level and beyond?

No discussion of mastery is complete without addressing fundamentals. All masters in any medium are first and foremost masters of fundamentals.

How do they master fundamentals? They work on fundamentals consistently.

So, if you are a leader of teams, and even for yourself, start here:

  1. Make a list of the fundamentals that are absolutely essential to mastery of your craft or medium. What are the 3-4 fundamentals of, say sales? Marketing? Executive assistance? Customer care?
  2. Create a schedule of consistent practice, monitoring, and improvement of those skills.
  3. Make the plan to repeat this for at least a year if not longer.

Your results will be… miraculous.

Repetition is the mother of skill. Repetition of skills over years fosters mastery.

And it’s all in your hands!